Wild poppy
The salad bed
More seedlings - amaranth, melon, cucumber, herbs
Onion, sorrel and salsola bed
I really ought to blog little and often. it's June 21st and so much has happened but I can't really bring myself to do more than add a few notes. At last the pain in my arm is manageable and I am getting a decent amount of sleep again, thanks to some medication. Now I just need to change my lifestyle a bit so it doesn't come back.
RSI in the upper arm is caused by using my computer mouse for hours to edit and label photographs and from prolonged use of the felting needle. Now as I can't possibly give up these activities, I'm changing to a Logitec trackball wireless mouse on a gel pad and pausing at regular intervals while felting. So far, the results are good. I have even managed to do some digging and planting at the allotment!